Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thin skin, soft bones

This is the piece I'm currently working on for the show. It's taking forever because of all the textures, but I'm quite content with the results so I suppose the endless hours of pricking my fingers have been worth it.


yigi chang said...

omg this is sooo beautiful! your putting so much effort into it!

Sabrina Parolin said...

Looks amazing! I'd have to agree that your effort is well worth what you've got going, the details definitely make it all the more lovely. When is your show happening? I'd love to check it out.

Sabrina Parolin said...

I'll definitely stop by!
I never had a chance to reply to your comment, but I think we need to coordinate our scheduals this year and try to get a concept class together! Either that or we'll have to have a sewing party sometime haha. :)

Jennifer said...

Looks amazing (and it's even better in real life!!)
Can't wait to see it done!

Cynthia said...

This is one of the most beautiful pieces you have ever done!!!!!

I love it!!

Lily said...

your embroidery is absolutely awesome!

Jynette said...

amazing job! they're all just lovely i love your style.
i tagged you with an award on my blog. :)