Monday, November 30, 2009

Sedmikrasky (daisies)

A brilliant Czech new wave film that I just can't get out of my head

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Land of Milk

This is a piece I did for my media class based on the "got milk" campaign. I chose to upload the image without the milk logo so that it could stand alone as an illustration. I don't know what it is about digital illustration that gets me jonesing for anything and everything 90's.....busy prints and tacky colours..... sounds like perfection! This is actually a piece of a larger illustration I did for my best friend Taya's new art publication Fat City Wildcat! It is a book featuring an array of rad Toronto based artists and illustrators and if your in the Greater Toronto Area on December 5 I suggest that you stop by 461 Dundas west for the release party! There will be booze, food, art and music, plus a house full of uber talented art folk! Don't hermit your life away.... stop by and have some fun!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

pretty little things

A sweet little pin I found a few weeks ago at a craft fair. It was quite honestly to pretty to resist and it made me feel all worm and fuzzy inside. It has a rather humble, hand made quality to it which just makes my heart swoon .... isn't it odd how even in November you can miss those pink hazy summer days.
ok, enough day dreaming...lets get back to work folks

The forecast is calling for nails...

I'm excited for:
christmas break
new ideas

tartan is the new plaid

An embroidery I did on the singer/songwritter Laura Gidbson

Skittle Skies

I've been pretty terrible with keeping up with this blog, but as Christmas break approaches I'll be trying my best to update regularly! Here are a few new pieces I did based on the book " The 48 laws of power". The first piece is based on law 23: concentrate your forces, find the one key patron, the fat cow who will give you milk for a long time to come. The second piece is law 10: Associate with the happy and fortunate, unhappiness is infectious. They are both oil on wood panel.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009